Monday, May 7, 2012


First off, I don't know what is worse, that I actually did have a beer at 2 pm while weeding my yard, or that I got my 4 year old son to take a picture of me drinking my 2 pm beer!! I could not help it! All the country songs that were playing on the iPad were singing to me about beer! I cracked a Kokanee, drank it right from the can, it was cold, it was fresh, it was delicious! I didn't even take my dirty gardening gloves off....and the beer came from the beer fridge in the garage, and while I am being honest....I did send Noah to get it for me **blush**

For a moment I even forgot my kids were in the yard. They were playing secret fort, I was warm, sweating to be exact, pulling weed after weed after weed, three gardening tubs full! I normally wouldn't tackle this job, the gardener (aka my brother in law) beats me to it...but for some reason today, I wanted to see the hastas and shrubs that were making an appearance in the abundance of dandelions and buttercups! That, and my peonies are about to pop, and will look much nicer on their own...

Man I love a cold beer...apparently no matter what time of day it is :-)