Once again, I was looking on Pinterest for a year end gift for Noah's teacher..I got swallowed up by all the awesome cute ideas, but this wreath stood out to me! Its super cute, and super easy! I didn't photograph all the steps, but I am sure you will get the idea, and make it your own, in your own special way!
I bought the following "ingredients"....
-1 12" floral ring (pressed board, in the foam aisle at
Michaels, I paid $3.49)
-3 24 packs of Crayola Crayons ($1.25 a box at Dollarama,
right across from Michaels in North Vancouver)
I used 48 crayons to be exact...
-1 Measuring tape (Dollarama had a pack of 3 for $1.25, one white, one purple, one pink, the
white was the perfect width, the ones at Michaels were too wide)
-1 Little bottle of acrylic craft paint in whatever colour
you want your ring (usually $1 or so from Michaels or the Dollar Store)
-White Chalkboard pen (if you are making teacher name sign)
-Glue Gun
-Assorted mini wood shapes, I got them all from Michaels, ranging from $.89 - $1.69 for a set of the school shapes, and a mini plaque that I sprayed with chalkboard paint and wrote his teachers name with a chalkboard pen!
My first step was painting the ring, with two coats of paint, as well as spraying my chalkboard sign, this way, everything was ready to go!
Glueing of the crayons was quite tricky. I highly recommend that you buy this floral ring, as it has holes punched in sequence around the ring. These holes were my starting points (sorry I don't have a picture). I glued a crayon over each hole lining up the black ring on the crayon paper to the edge of the ring (you can see this in the picture). You can see in the first picture there is about a 1.5" gap between crayons, in this gap, I fit 2 crayons...does that make sense? This filled up the ring with equal (almost) distances between each crayon. This takes the most time, and if you are anal like me, you want them all the look perfect...once you start going it will make more sense, I hope!
Once the crayons were all on, I put on the bow and the loop for hanging. I cut the measuring tape in half, with one half, I made my bow, fixing it to my liking as I went along. Once it looked how I wanted it too, I hot glued it to what I wanted to be the "top" of my wreath. With the rest of the measuring tape, I made a loop and hot glued it to the "ring".
The last step is hot glueing on all the adornments. I played around with where I wanted them before I hot glued them on.
Voila, that should be it! I would be more than happy to assist, if any of you, who live close to me need my help! Good luck!!
ps....sorry the text doesn't line up...it was either that or I was going to throw my computer out the window!