Friday, November 12, 2010

Blue, 44, HUT HUT HUT...

This morning I overheard my husband on the phone talking to one of his many lovers (Fantasy Football lovers). It was music to my ears when I heard...."three more weeks left...". This part of his conversation stuck out like a sore thumb. I asked him when he was off the phone, "Only three weeks left?" he replied...."Yes, then playoffs start" FUDGE! Playoffs, how could I forget about those! SO, around Christmas I may have my husband back..well, our Sundays together anyway..

I continue to ask myself, every year, how its possible for him to arrange an event for around 20 guys, get t-shirts...excuse me, sweatshirts, made for every "member" and have them neatly folded on the dining room table with a corresponding folder of events that will take place that evening, but yet, for us two to go for dinner one night, seems like an impossible task!

I am embarrassed to say they do a great job of organizing this pool, for which they call "NBFFL" (North Burnaby Fantasy Football League), but shouldn't they be focusing on things that grown men do, like cutting the grass maybe?? HA! (inside joke)

The photo above was taken last year, you can see they are deep in concentration, possibly not yet thinking of their league apparel. So this year, each member, well, pretty much each member, walked through my door with their NBFFL t-shirt (and clip board, and laptop) and walked out, with their NBFFL sweatshirt on. Great thinking, especially for the cold winter ahead! (did you notice the beautiful poster that adorned my wall for the evening?) It was quite an issue this year, seeing as the wall where they hung this poster last year, was now taken by family photos, SHUCKS!

I will admit that when football season is over, I will miss getting my coffee and breakfast delivered to me every Sunday morning while still in my pajamas, and usually in bed watching Coronation Street, but I will not miss the all day extravaganza of whistles and bets, and phone calls and pouting when their teams don't win therefor resulting in the loss of a parle (whatever that means!)

I know there are lots of ladies who can hear me loud and clear, so have a chuckle with me, or, tell me how you really feel, because some days, I am ready to grab the phone from my husbands ear, and throw it out the bloody window!



  1. LOL!!!!!!! Dido! No one will ever understand what it is like to be a NBFFL Wife.

    My husband eats & breathes football. The endless conversations or should I say debates, the countless hours of choosing the right players, and the constant sound of football in the background EVERY Sunday, Monday and now Thursdays! I'm glad we both feel the same way!

  2. can we add soccer AND hockey to that list Mirella!?

  3. I am so happy that my husband doesn't like sports...ha ha ha!

  4. I guess I should be counting my lucky stars my husband is only into video games (that can be PAUSED!! lol) and monthly UFC fights. hah!
