Every year I tell myself I am going to plant paperwhites from the bulb....and every year I run out of time.....they are so pretty, and so simple. I thought they used to stink, this year, I seem to really enjoy the smell? I went out and bought one, and plunked it in my hobnail milk glass vase.
I did not know that they are also called Narcissus, I came across this on another blog while trying to find a pretty image;
Paperwhites or narcissus are named after the mythological character Narcissus. There a few different versions of the myth of Narcissus (some including the nymph Echo & a curse) but most end with the haughty handsome boy falling in love with his own reflection in a pond and staying there loving himself until the day he dies. (hence the term "narcissist.")
Next year, I have promised myself I will do a HUGE arrangement with stones and all, I love it when you can see the exposed bulb...natural.
ohh! I have 5 bulbs sitting by my sink! I keep forgetting to buy rocks to stick them in!!! this was a great reminder! lol!