Tuesday, May 31, 2011

one of my favorites...

Every year come the middle of November, we put our elbows up and head down to the Sid Dickens sale. Every year I tell myself I don't need anymore tiles, until I see how pretty they are! This one in-particular caught my eye...I knew I wanted it for Anabelle's room. It is so delicate looking and lovely, and looks perfect nestled between these butterflies. Something she will have for a long time, and not grow out of.

I suggest you add yourselves to the Sid Dickens mailing list, you will get an invite to the sale, where the tiles become as low as $30 when you buy 26 or more....they retail for almost $100. Us friends always group together and never fail to make it to 26 and above! Just when you think you are going to buy one or two, you always come out with at least six or eight!! or more!!

It's actually a really lovely event, and has tamed down over the years. He serves treats and refreshments and plays nice music....a time of the year I always look forward to!


Monday, May 30, 2011

cute and easy

I got these little jars at IKEA and painted them with chalkboard paint. With masking tape, I bordered off a section, and painted the inside. I put them in Anabelle's room and used them for 'hair clips' 'bling' and 'headbands' they neatly and nicely tucked away the things that seemed to be laying around on her change table :-)

You can find chalkboard paint or spray paint at HomeDepot in the spray paint/stain aisle. The paint is more expensive than the spray, but much easier to work with, especially for this project.

Here's to chalkboards!


Saturday, May 28, 2011

my costco find....

I have always wanted a light like this, I was yearning for a floor lamp, but for the price I paid, I settled for a table lamp!! At $19.99 this was a STEAL of a deal. Regularly $69, I thought of buying it, but kept walking as I didn't really have a home for it. I then saw it drop to $29.99...that was a good deal, but still, I had so many other things in my Costco cart (and we all know how much those Costco trips cost!) so again, I kept walking. When I returned about a week later, I noticed a few boxes tucked in a corner, with a price tag of $19.99!!!! Let me tell you, I should have bought them all and re-sold them!!! It is the nicest, well made lamp I have ever assembled!! An amazing lamp for an amazing price! I wish I could tell you all to go buy one, but they are long gone....at that price, how could you keep walking!??


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

a good chuckle..

I bought some new glasses at Starbucks yesterday, I have always liked them, and figured they would look extra nice with some vodka and pink lemonade in them :-) They are also made from 100% recycled glass! Gotta like the sound of that! Rustic meets lovely....

I asked the lady if she could please wrap them in some tissue, so they didn't bonk each other in the bag....I had to giggle when I witnessed this...

I know its not brain science to know that in order to protect something fragile, the item should be WRAPPED in the tissue...I laughed to myself, let her finish, and fixed them while I was outside drinking my coffee. Nothing personal towards the friendly Starbucks employee, but it sure gave me a good chuckle!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Noah found a caterpillar sitting on his toy teepee the other day, if I could only explain in words the excitement on his face! He was so amazed by this little creature...

He was concerned about where it would go, told me how it tickled his hand as it inched across it...asked me what it was going to turn into...he wanted to make sure he made it onto a leaf, incase it wanted to take a big bite...so we put him down in the Peony bush.

Now every time we see a bite out of a leaf, he tells me a caterpillar must have been there!

just when the caterpillar thought the world was over
it became a butterfly



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

forever 21....

It was late in the evening the other night when I decided to take a look at the forever21 website.....a little too convenient, as the clothes and accessories come right to your door, with free shipping if you spend over $60.....which, is never hard!! This dress looked so cute on the model, and for $22 I had to get it!

Feeling bad, for online shopping, I decided to look briefly through the mens section..I did find something for Fredo! And again, at $16 I could not resist!!

I have always had good luck with forever21, they always send along a 'return' pouch and the instructions to send things back are easy. I have only ever returned one thing!! I also got a floral sequined belt, for $7.80!! Their accessories are great! Check them out! I know we have the store here, but it's not the same, I find the store too overwhelming and always messy!!

(make sure you are in the Canadian site,
at the bottom of the page you can choose your country)

forever yours,


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Night Dessert

Homemade waffle cups, with ice cream, fresh strawberries and mango...will definitely be making this again! A great summer dessert!!! And super easy if you have the pizelle waffle iron...it took nothing to make some pizelle and form them while they were hot! They would even be super cute for fruit salad at a bridal or baby shower!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Everything is going to be OK.

What drew me to this little book was the beauty of its cover...I didn't even know what was inside! I first saw it on the Mothers Day blast The Cross Decor & Design sent out, and knew I had to have a few copies. I was pleasantly surprised that it was a little book full of inspirational sayings, along with contemporary art, craft, design and photography.....some of my favorites are....

" The Journey is the Destination"

"Sing Out Loud Everyday"

"Keep on the Sunny Side"

"You are perfect just the way you are"

"Make it your habit to not be critical about small things"

"Make something good today"

"Be present every day"

"You are lovely"

I love that all these sayings made me nod my head and agree after reading every page...and that it is the simplest things that make the most sense! And really, everything will be OK!

Get yourself a copy! $14.95

The Cross Decor & Design
1198 Homer Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 2X6
or online www.thecrossdesign.com
Mon-Sat 10-6
Sunday's and Holidays 11-5


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!!

Happy Mothers Day to you and your moms, and grandmas, and aunts, and sisters, and friends!! A special day to know just how awesome we are!!

These were my Mothers Day gifts...Noah was so proud to give them to me! Thank you to the teachers at Gilmore Preschool for assisting our little ones as they created these masterpieces!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Children Learn.....


If a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy.

If a child lives with shame, He learns to feel guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement, He learns confidence.

If a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate.

If a child lives with fairness, He learns justice.

If a child lives with security, He learns to have faith.

If a child lives with approval, He learns to like himself.

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship. He learns to find love in the world........

This was a little something I found while going through my rubbermaid bin full of art work and journals my mom kept from elementary school. I laughed so hard reading some of the journal entries! and yes, I was quite the artist!!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

accordion potatoes

Have I told you I love food?? Well, in case I haven't, I love food! I am desperately trying to convince myself that I need to lose about 10 lbs, and try to get it together to get to the gym, or go for a run, or get a trainer......a gym is boring, sometimes the thought of getting the two kids ready to go for a walk, just to hear them complain in the stroller does nothing for me, and frankly a trainer is too expensive......even if not to lose the weight, I know it would make me feel better. I suffer from chronic headaches, and when it feels like someone is bashing me head in, the last thing I want to do is exercise....but I do know about the benefits, and god damn, summer is coming fast......I stood and looked at myself in the mirror the other day with a tank top on...................no comment, well, nothing I want to post on here! Lets just say, I don't for see me in a bikini this summer!

However, since this post is about food, accordion potatoes to be exact...yup the ones that are sitting on my ass....they are super delicious. My dad would make them for us, and I thought they would be a lovely addition to my salmon steaks, yes, BC Wild Salmon steaks :-)

You half these potatoes, so peel accordingly. I think I used 6 potatoes. When your russets are all peeled cut them in half, I can't think of the word to describe which way to cut them, so hopefully you can tell by the picture (cross wise, not length wise?? does that make sense??)! Place the cut side down, on your cutting board with the rounded side up, and make slices 3/4 way down, not cutting completely through.......continue this step with the rest of the potatoes. I drizzle some olive oil in the bottom of my pan, and then place the potatoes, again, cut side down, in the olive oil. Once all the accordions are arranged, I drizzle the tops with some olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper (or some seasoning salt). Bake them at 350 for like 30-40 minutes, checking periodically (I have a turkey baster, so I occasionally bast them with the bubbling olive oil) when they are 3/4 of the way done, I dot them with a bit of butter to crisp them up! They get this crispy bottom, and crispy edges with buttery soft centers!! Pair them with anything.....its a fancier way to do roast potatoes!!

So for now, I will continue to envy those who have it together enough to get their asses in gear.....and keep cooking and baking for those I love. Sigh.........


Monday, May 2, 2011

my newest d.i.y project!

My newest project! This used to hang in Anabelle's room, but since I replaced it with a gorgeous canvas of her that my dad did, it needed a new home. I sprayed it from black to glossy white, and am using it as my menu board :-) Amazing what a little spray paint can do!


Lines to Live and Learn By.....

  • walk 20-30 minutes everyday, and while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate antidepressant
  • sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
  • get more sleep
  • when you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement, "my purpose for today is to ________"
  • live with the 3 E's-Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
  • watch more movies, play more games and read more books than you did last year
  • dream more while you are awake
  • eat more foods that grow on plants and fewer foods that are manufactured in plants
  • drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild BC salmon, broccoli, almonds and walnuts
  • smile at everyone
  • clear the clutter from your house, your car and your work place and you will be dumbstruck by the new energy in your life
  • don't waste your precious energy on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts of people or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive of the moment
  • realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class....but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime
  • smile and laugh more. Laughter repels negative people
  • life isn't fair, but it's still good
  • life is too short to waste time hating anyone or anything
  • don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does
  • you don't have to win every argument
  • make peace with your past and you won't fear the future
  • don't compare your life to others, you have no idea what their journey is all about
  • burn those 'special' scented candles, use the 600 thread count sheets, put out the good China and wear your good clothes now, stop waiting for a special occasion , every day is special
  • no one is in charge of your happiness except you
  • frame every so called disaster with these words "in five years, will this matter"
  • forgive everyone for everything
  • what other people think of you is none of your business
  • time heals almost everything, give time, time!
  • however good or bad the situation, it will change
  • your job won't take care of you when your sick, your friends will, stay in touch
  • get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
  • envy is a waste of time, you already have all you need
  • the best is yet to come
  • no matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
  • do the right thing
  • call your family often
  • each night before you go to bed complete the following statements..."I am thankful for _____" and "today I accomplished _____"

Here is to a new month!