Wednesday, May 4, 2011

accordion potatoes

Have I told you I love food?? Well, in case I haven't, I love food! I am desperately trying to convince myself that I need to lose about 10 lbs, and try to get it together to get to the gym, or go for a run, or get a trainer......a gym is boring, sometimes the thought of getting the two kids ready to go for a walk, just to hear them complain in the stroller does nothing for me, and frankly a trainer is too expensive......even if not to lose the weight, I know it would make me feel better. I suffer from chronic headaches, and when it feels like someone is bashing me head in, the last thing I want to do is exercise....but I do know about the benefits, and god damn, summer is coming fast......I stood and looked at myself in the mirror the other day with a tank top comment, well, nothing I want to post on here! Lets just say, I don't for see me in a bikini this summer!

However, since this post is about food, accordion potatoes to be exact...yup the ones that are sitting on my ass....they are super delicious. My dad would make them for us, and I thought they would be a lovely addition to my salmon steaks, yes, BC Wild Salmon steaks :-)

You half these potatoes, so peel accordingly. I think I used 6 potatoes. When your russets are all peeled cut them in half, I can't think of the word to describe which way to cut them, so hopefully you can tell by the picture (cross wise, not length wise?? does that make sense??)! Place the cut side down, on your cutting board with the rounded side up, and make slices 3/4 way down, not cutting completely through.......continue this step with the rest of the potatoes. I drizzle some olive oil in the bottom of my pan, and then place the potatoes, again, cut side down, in the olive oil. Once all the accordions are arranged, I drizzle the tops with some olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper (or some seasoning salt). Bake them at 350 for like 30-40 minutes, checking periodically (I have a turkey baster, so I occasionally bast them with the bubbling olive oil) when they are 3/4 of the way done, I dot them with a bit of butter to crisp them up! They get this crispy bottom, and crispy edges with buttery soft centers!! Pair them with anything.....its a fancier way to do roast potatoes!!

So for now, I will continue to envy those who have it together enough to get their asses in gear.....and keep cooking and baking for those I love. Sigh.........


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE accordian potatoes. Yum. And about that ass, you rock it! The way I see it, there's nothing lovelier than good food, and we have way too much stress in our lives to be worrying that we don't have the 'perfect' body. I'll be in a bathing suit this weekend (although I'm partial to one pieces so that's a help), and I thought for a minute (lie: a couple of hours), hey, my body sucks ass - but then I thought, does it really? And then I turned to my pizza pugliese (margherita with onions and oregano) and drank my beer and the moment passed! PS. you are gorgeous. XO Melissa
