Standing watching our kids play after preschool, a bunch of us mom's got talking....we were so relieved to hear we were all having behavior and listening issues with our kids....the talking back, having an answer for everything, the not listening when we tell them "stop jumping on the couch!" and so on...I often tell Noah I am going to take him to the Doctor to get his ears cleaned out, they must be full of wax or something!!?? I will have to try something new...it really is not working....when asking to clean up the toys, or put something in his room, there is no response, instead he just goes and does something else that pisses me off...I always say out loud, "I might as well be talking to myself!"...the other night at dinner, he wasn't eating...I was having a bad day, I lost it, I bent down in his face and told him he should thank his lucky stars there is even food on his table!! He isn't even 4.......but it felt right in that moment. I left the room, and cried.
Everyday seems the same, wake up, bathroom, make coffee, make breakfast, usually eggs and toast per Noah's request, clean up the mess, make the beds, get Anabelle dressed, then Noah, brush teeth, get myself ready, remember to brush my teeth, drink cold coffee, eat nothing for breakfast because then I will have to clean up another mess, my mess....leave for work, come home, get Noah, start to make dinner, serve dinner, fight with Noah about eating dinner, clean up dinner, make coffee, get Anabelle ready for bed, brush her teeth, put her to bed, fight with Noah to get his jammies on, have my coffee, give up and let Noah lie on the couch and watch cartoons (lately, letting him fall asleep there, BAD) put him into bed, finish my cold coffee, put my feet up, put myself to bed, ugh......I don't want to get back up to brush my teeth.......
I received an email this morning that spoke volumes...it came in perfect time, yes it made me cry, but it made so much sense. I received it from another mom at the preschool, I forwarded it onto some other moms, my sisters, my mom...the subject read, The Invisible Mom...
Here is the link to read the story, read it in full, it made my day....
Have a great weekend!!