Thursday, February 2, 2012

An honest effort!

HA what was I thinking..seriously, my life is Facebook! I was gone for a whole 24 hours....I felt good to tell myself I was "pulling the plug" however I think a more realistic approach was to take a day of the week off, therefor I have decided on NO Facebook Friday. I get ahead of myself a lot of the time, and speak too soon...I think I will just have to work harder on finding more appropriate times to sign in, and try to be totally present in the moments with my kids.

It was an honest effort to think I could just quit cold turkey...I was forgetting about a lot of the friendships that were built on Facebook. I had an amazing conversation with a friend the night before I "deactivated" my account...I forgot how much of a power house Facebook is, especially for us mommas to connect with one another, share stories, triumphs, disappointments...

I have realized how much social media can suck you down the crap hole...but it is also very powerful in a positive way. It is my job as a mom to show my kids that it is not the only means of communication, I will have to work hard to show them the power of face to face connection, even though it is much easier to express feelings through email, text or Facebook...

I am so honored to have the friends I do, and like I said, our connections only being made stronger on Facebook. It doesn't mean we are awkward when we see each other in real, the conversations still flow like water....Facebook has given me to courage to set coffee dates up with friends I have not seen in years! Chat with friends from way back when! It has almost made those run in's at the grocery store easier, when you see someone you haven't seen in a very long time...

Sometimes, I am a huge contradiction...ok, a lot of the time I am a huge contradiction, I failed miserably on this one...but its ok...I can admit a mistake. Even that 24 hours put some things into perspective.

Plus, it really bothered me to know that I was the one that wasn't included in something that was happening!


1 comment:

  1. haha - I was inspired by you and considering doing it too! I even had a dream that I did! I realized though, that facebook is how I keep in touch with all my mommy friends and its how we plan events, etc. So no way I could pull the plug! Here's to being honest with ourselves!
