"but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again...."
It started when I was at a family members 16th birthday...showing me the renovations to their new house, we came to her bedroom. Man, remember when you only had to worry about your bedroom. What duvet cover you would get, what lamp would go on your bedside table, what clothes hung in your closet, and where your homework was piled.....when your mom would call you for dinner, and what to wear the next day to school, or losing sleep over an exam.....now its losing sleep because you can't sleep, because you have a baby that wont sleep, therefor you have to be awake!
I worked at Cascade Heights Elementary School today, as I walked into the office, out of the principals door came a rush from my past....infront of me stood my grade 6 teacher...now the principal of this school where I have come to work...instantly I was transported back to Gilmore Elementary School, 6th grade, we were having a class party, playing music and eating treats....I am sure I was wearing some sort of plaid skirt with knee high socks and some hideous shoes, my hair, what I thought was straight at the time...but looking back was nothing but kinked and fried by the iron...I can remember so many faces.
The feeling of nostalgia as I walked down the hallways, smelling of construction paper took over my senses. What I would give to be back in elementary school again...having someone pack my lunch, put out my clothes and make me dinner (even just for a little while). Where the biggest problem at lunch time is someone won't share a swing, or complete and udder devastation because you have lost and earring and your mom is going to be so mad! What these kids don't know is what it is that lies ahead of them, they are so safe and protected within these walls...something I envy. The simplicity. Time.
This is one thing that I love about Facebook, it has given me to opportunity to reconnect with people from my childhood, to share memories, and share new experiences....

This is a hideous picture of me....but I think this was the summer of grade 6 or maybe grade 7??? I remember the feeling of this sweater on my skin, it was my sisters, I brought it with me on this trip with my girlfriend Marissa, her brother DJ and their mom Diane. I remember buying the Dangerous Minds soundtrack, and listening to it non-stop, reciting all the lyrics to Gangta's Paradise...wearing shorts! I don't think I have worn shorts since this picture! The feeling of summer, knowing that you had 2 months to RELAX.....I don't even know the definition of 'relax' anymore.
Not saying I would ever give up what I have. A wonderful husband that still tells me I am beautiful after 14 years, two beautiful children, a lovely home, an amazing family and extended family, two gorgeous nephews, delightful friends..I will never pass up the memories of my wedding, dancing the night away, wasted on Sambuca, bare feet with bandaides on every toe...the sound of my babies first cries...or the exhilaration of buying a home...but a taste of the past was sure nice, a place I could make a visit too some days.
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