Noah has turned into the biggest procrastinator, especially at meal on this day I was not letting him leave the table without eating his dinner! I told him, you may not be excused until you are finished, you are not leaving your chair.....

Well, he didn't leave his chair.......but he did fall asleep on it! I got busy with the dishes, then the phone rang...things got awfully quiet so I peeked my head around to check....he was fast asleep, feet dangling in the air! Little bugger knows how to get out of everything!
I love to hear his little voice ask "mommy, may I please be excused?" reply usually is, "no, no until you finish your supper!". Why can't he enjoy his food like his mom does!
what a little goof! I was a really picky eater - and look at me now, you can't get me to leave the dinner table!! Thanks for the post, made me laugh. Melissa