Tuesday, August 30, 2011

perfect cure..

A heavy feeling is still weighing on my heart. I thought it would go away..it has joined me for the whole summer. I am hoping by the time I go back to work, and Noah starts school again, that the routine will bring an easier feeling...my chalkboard in my kitchen reads "This too shall pass, eventually" I have been waiting a while now, thought with the sunshine it would be gone...its something I really have no words for, I don't even know how to begin explaining it.

It's 7:59 pm, Anabelle is sleeping, Noah is at his Nonna's (Grandma's) house, Fredo is working. I have an urge to go and wake up my sleeping angel and cuddle her, squeeze her, let her know how sorry I am for yelling, and scolding her for being naughty (and man can she get naughty!), let her know I am sorry for not taking her to swimming lessons because I don't want to put on a bathing suit, and tell her that her and her brother mean the world to me, no matter how mad they make me.....this feeling of nostalgia will pass by morning I am sure.....but some moments, songs, videos, tv shows help you to put things into perspective...I am sorry I have been somewhat absent for the past while...

I put Anabelle to bed, and made myself something....a rootbeer float, this, felt like a HUGE hug...a much needed hug. It felt incredible.



  1. Awww Kris don't make me cry...your little angels know how much mommy loves them, trust. It is in every exhale, every glance, every touch. Sometimes you feel as though you can never show them enough, though! It is what makes you the greatest mom.


  2. mmmmm - those floats are sooo yummy!
