We would sing our hearts out in the car, on the long drive to Saskatoon in the summer...the three of us, sisters, convinced we were good enough to crack a record deal I'm sure...as I write this I am singing "Release Me", I cry, a lot, while singing...it's not necessarily the lyrics, just the song, knowing the words, whatever they are, and belting them out, from the heart. It feels so good to sing, loudly. I want my kids to know the joy of music, how powerful it is. I want them to sing from their hearts. I hope certain artists remind them of us, like Van Morrison and Bob Dylan always remind me of my mom and dad. Sometimes songs make me feel so sad, I can feel it in every crevice of my body, and others, so frickin' happy, I think my face will crack from the smile thats spreading across it! It really is hard to put into words how I feel about music...I came across this on Pinterest, it sums it all up..

Its as simple as this, "Music Is What Feeling Sounds Like"....it places me in different times of my life, occasions, sorrows...music is truly amazing. I can remember just how much my heart swells when I hear the twang of Eric Clapton's guitar when "Wonderful Tonight" starts....and how sore my feet were on December 9th 2006, dancing with my new husband...the first time I danced with my Dad, to Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World"...or the summer of Grade 8, driving in a friends car listening to "Return of the Mack" by Mark Morrison. The grief of my grandma's passing, "Smile" by Nat King Cole and "I Wish I Was The Moon" by Neko Case...I could go on. I hope you all feel the music, good music, real music. Music that is felt in your heart, through your veins, your soul.....music makes everything better.
I absolutely love "I Wish I Was the Moon" and it brought many a tear to my eye when grandma was not doing well.
ReplyDeleteJenny xoxoxo