Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Year End Teacher Gift...

Once again, I was looking on Pinterest for a year end gift for Noah's teacher..I got swallowed up by all the awesome cute ideas, but this wreath stood out to me! Its super cute, and super easy! I didn't photograph all the steps, but I am sure you will get the idea, and make it your own, in your own special way!

I bought the following "ingredients"....

-1  12" floral ring (pressed board, in the foam aisle at 
      Michaels, I paid $3.49)

-3  24 packs of Crayola Crayons ($1.25 a box at Dollarama, 
     right across from Michaels in North Vancouver) 
     I used 48 crayons to be exact...

-1   Measuring tape (Dollarama had a pack of 3 for $1.25, one white, one purple, one pink, the 
      white was the perfect width, the ones at Michaels were too wide)

-1   Little bottle of acrylic craft paint in whatever colour 
      you want your ring (usually $1 or so from Michaels or the Dollar Store)

-White Chalkboard pen (if you are making teacher name sign)

-Glue Gun

-Assorted mini wood shapes, I got them all from Michaels, ranging from $.89 - $1.69 for a set of the school shapes, and a mini plaque that I sprayed with chalkboard paint and wrote his teachers name with a chalkboard pen! 

My first step was painting the ring, with two coats of paint, as well as spraying my chalkboard sign, this way, everything was ready to go!

Glueing of the crayons was quite tricky. I highly recommend that you buy this floral ring, as it has holes punched in sequence around the ring. These holes were my starting points (sorry I don't have a picture).  I glued a crayon over each hole lining up the black ring on the crayon paper to the edge of the ring (you can see this in the picture). You can see in the first picture there is about a 1.5" gap between crayons, in this gap, I fit 2 crayons...does that make sense? This filled up the ring with equal (almost) distances between each crayon. This takes the most time, and if you are anal like me, you want them all the look perfect...once you start going it will make more sense, I hope!

Once the crayons were all on, I put on the bow and the loop for hanging. I cut the measuring tape in half, with one half, I made my bow, fixing it to my liking as I went along. Once it looked how I wanted it too, I hot glued it to what I wanted to be the "top" of my wreath. With the rest of the measuring tape, I made a loop and hot glued it to the "ring". 

The last step is hot glueing on all the adornments. I played around with where I wanted them before I hot glued them on.

Voila, that should be it! I would be more than happy to assist, if any of you, who live close to me need my help! Good luck!!


ps....sorry the text doesn't line up...it was either that or I was going to throw my computer out the window!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sexy Bitch

So, I am on a roll....three posts in three days..don't get used to it :-) I have been wanting to post about this for a while, so since I have a few minutes before I get ready to go to work, I wanted to share.....

A while back I visited a place I never thought I would go. A strange place, an intriguing place, an incredibly busy place! It was the hustle and bustle in the store, that even though it still felt odd being in, made it a bit easier because other girls were doing it too! Abantu, a place for everything HAIR! Wigs, bang clip ins, extensions, etc....a 20% off coupon made the decision a bit easier, as did the EXACT colour match to my actual hair! I chuckled when the girl scanned the Social Drop barcode on my iPhone, as it linked directly to my Facebook account, telling all my friends I had made a purchase at Abantu, and received 20% off! A great marketing scheme! What made me laugh even more, was the fact I paid by cash, and by cash I mean the money I had made at the Kids Only Swapmeet I had worked the weekend before, resulting in baggies of toonies and loonies, sprawled out all over the counter...hey, money is money, and I am a mom, right? I felt like a teenage girl who had done summer chores to buy my first two wheeler bicycle. Who wouldn't sell kids clothes and toys to buy extensions? I am sure glad I did!

I felt a little bit sexy again...after chopping my hair off months before, and really feeling like a "mom" I felt a bit more attractive...to myself anyway (insert your own comments here)...its funny how my inner sex appeal went from 5-500 in a matter of clips (clip in extensions). I imagined myself in a string bikini..IMAGINED being the key word, with my long golden locks, sunbathing in the tropics, fancy drink in hand, nannies watching my kids...ok, well, I know its just fake hair (not actually fake, its really amazing real human hair), but it seriously changes my mood! Too bad I am seriously chicken to wear them....not because I am embarrassed that I bought clip in hair, but because I am afraid the wind will catch it and expose the clips, or one of my kids will pull them out while in public...I was brave and wore them this Easter, in a pony tail, no one said anything to me? Either it looked really bad, and no one wanted to say anything, or???? All I know, is I liked how I looked, and felt about 5 years younger.

I recently visited my hairdresser for my regular hair appointment, while there, I asked her if she would layer and trim my extensions...pulling another "mom" I showed up with Toy Story zip lock bags, with labels on them so I know where to place them while clipping them in...I didn't have any others!

Truth is, we all have our own things that make us feel more beautiful, and mine just happens to be long hair...yes it was my choice to cut it, and it is growing back, quickly, but in the meantime, and I do plan to wear them this weekend to a fancy High Tea party..I will clip in my extensions for a bit more sex appeal (if I don't chicken out).


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


My good friend Jessica Boffo of Kardz Kouture Stationery opened up an Etsy shop about a month ago http://www.etsy.com/shop/kardzkouture My walls have quickly filled up with her sweet and amazing prints! Here is what I have done with her "moon and back" print. I fell in love with this one, as this was something I would write to my husband back in high school! It was only fitting to put one on the wall nestled in and amongst photos of my beautiful children! 

Another one of my favourites is this one...

This one gives me a chuckle every time, as it rings so true, and she knows how I LOVE my prosecco! Check her out http://www.etsy.com/shop/kardzkouture Prints start at only $15.00!
