Noah turned 4 on Monday. He wanted his Birthday at Koko's Play Centre. I told myself a while back I would never have my child's Birthday at a place like that...I had only been to Crash Crawleys..I shouldn't have judged, and I should know by now, never say never. It still is a germ pit, but the kids run wild, it seems reasonably clean (or cleaner than some), and the party packages allow you to mingle with your guests, and have a coffee or a simple conversation! The past 3 Birthdays of Noah's I have never been able to do that! I felt strange after, like I was forgetting something, I have NEVER hosted a party that was so simple, and I have hosted a lot of parties!
It was hard for me to cut his guest list....but I figured this was the year to start letting him decide who he wanted at his party. He has been with the same group in preschool for two years now, and he has buddies. They are a great group of friends, and a lovely bunch of parents to go along with them! It has gotten really cool to watch him interact with his friends. I noticed this year, the gifts and toys were at a total different level than any other year, we have entered into BOY toys :-)
I always get a little sad when his Birthday rolls around. Another year passed, years further and further away from when he was born. It was my little Noah that made me a mommy, I say this all the time, but really, I can remember every little detail of the time he was born.
He is developing such an attitude, I never thought I would use so much bribery as a parent. I have promised that if he pushes me to the limit, I will take all his toys away! I do not know where they will go, but I will follow through! He has adapted this form of "deal making", I think he got that from his uncle....he is starting to lie to get out of cleaning a mess, his mess, which he insists he did not make, and whines at everything, the sound of whining...drives me crazy! "I didn't do it" is coming from his mouth more regularly, even when I have just stood there and watched him do it....oh growing up....I get thats what it is, and I need to learn to not sweat the small stuff...however I will not give up the rule of jumping on the couch/furniture, and taking all the pillows off the couch, that I will stay stern on, even if daddy allows it, grrrrrrrr.
What a jumble....
Noah, you make me laugh, you make me smile, you really make my temper rage at times, you're silly, you are sweet, you are smart, you are conniving, curious and full of life, I adore you, treasure you, and love you beyond all measures, I would do anything for you, you are my son, my first born, hope you had a Happy 4th Birthday....even if you were a total grump by the end!
So what theme are we doing for next year!? HA HA!!