Photo taken by Devon Hall
The greatest thing about living here is the benefits of maternity leave that we are offered....we get to stay at home with our kids until they are 1 years old...we get a full year to be at home with them...still, to me, it's not enough, lol. My maternity leave will finish at the end of March. This is scary to me, but what is also scary, is that also means Anabelle will already be 1 years old! But on top of that, the most scariest, nerve racking thing, is that I have to get a job....a new job.
I was so hurt when my sociology teacher at Capilano College told me that I would never be able to be a stay at home mom..she looked me right in they eye and said, "no way"...this was something I always wanted to be....I'm afraid she was right, things have just changed way to much, things cost way too much, and we expect way too much. So If I want all these things, its back to work I go! Good thing is, I plan to have another baby, so another maternity leave will come, eventually.
The luxury of being able to attend every function because you aren't stuck at the office, or being able to plan a holiday without thinking about getting the time off work is lovely. I am already thinking about the events I will miss in the summer time...I am being selfish, I know. On the other hand I am eager to get out and be an adult again, leave the house without the kids, and know I am getting ready for something other than a trip to the mall...
I won't lie when I say I am jealous of those who had babies after me..they will still be on mat leave! And I am always to first to tell someone on mat leave to relax and enjoy, don't stress about going back to work..I still have three months, but I know how fast time flies! The events that are set to take place in these next month will just put it in super duper speed!
I will try and enjoy these next few months to the fullest, even though I have to get a resume together! Something I have not had to do in 7 years!! (that freaks me out!). And know that my kids will be in the hands of there daddy, and that I will get to see my husband when we go to bed at night.
Cheers to Mat Leave!