I love to have a plan, especially for dinners. I find that shopping all in one day, makes it easy through out the week to be organized, especially when you have kids, even more so when there is more than one! Gone are the days when you could just clip your one child in the car seat and run to the grocery store as needed, it takes a whole half hour, at least, to just get out of the house with two kids...who the hell wants to run to the store after that!
I have always made my own meal plan, but while reading the January 2011 issue of Real Simple magazine (love this magazine!) I came across this meal plan....I have printed some copies off this morning, and plan to do my meal plan, and shopping this afternoon.
I have slipped over the holidays. My cupboards weren't stocked, dinners were on the fly (lots of spaghetti) and snacks were sparce! There was lots of baking, lots of eatmore bars, but not nearly enough hearty meals, that I usually love to make! My first real meal, seemed to be on New Years Eve, when I made my "all day lasagna" which I must tell you didn't have a chance! It was gobbled up in no time!
So if you like to plan like me, print out this list, do your meal plan for the week (the only thing I don't like is it doesn't have weekends!) do your shopping...I also find that it saves me money, no impulse buys, I just get what's on my list...and man is it nice to have everything on hand when you go to make something through out the week!
Happy planning!
If you have a chance...can you please post some of your favorite dinner ideas an maybe a few recipes for the plan...Looking for some new yummy dinner ideas suitable for baby and us. Thanks soo much!!!!