What the hell did we do with ourselves before Facebook and reality TV like the Bachelor!? My cousin and I laughed at each other last night while she was over watching the unrealistic reality show. We were both checking our Facebook profiles for new statuses and photos....while we oooooo'ed and ahhhhhh'ed over the hilarious date strategies on the show. She was on the couch, me on the opposite chair, laptops positioned so we could keep our eyes on both....embarrassing....chatting to each other on Facebook chat....KIDDING!!!!
I always laugh at the response a status gets when someone posts something about the Bachelor (myself included). I usually get a kick out of hearing about what people are eating when I ask them, but the passionate responses that people share about Emily or Ashley or Michelle....(she is crazy by the way) always make me crack a smile.
Thanks to these shows, we have unrealistic ideas of what dates should be like...having not been on many...I don't really know what they should be like anyway??? But surely I know that my husband gets the cold shoulder because he has never set up a Carnival for me! I do remember however, years ago, when Alfredo was playing soccer in Edmonton and I went to visit, he sprung a function on me, to which I had no proper attire (I think I was like 16). Off to West Edmonton mall we went...by taxi.....there he bought me a new dress, shoes and some earrings I think...closest thing to the "Pretty Woman date". At the time, I was dazzled...I even remember where he bought me my dress....Jacob, and I think my shoes were from Payless, OOOOOOOOOOoooooooo. It was great fun though, I felt like a million bucks!
A big part of my new years resolution I have decided, is to send more paper mail...personal notes, letters...I miss the days of getting personal mail, and not the kind from Terasen or BC Hydro....the mail that comes from family and friends...man it feels good to open the mail box and see a hand written address! Sometimes when writing a letter to my grandparents, I catch myself writing things like "lol" or using the "@" symbol instead of writing "at". Thats terrible! Shame on me.
Shit, its 9:05..........see....these electronics consume you! I have to get Noah to school! Send a letter this month! It will feel good! Make sure you put a stamp on the envelope, you get those at the POST OFFICE :-)
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