Friday, February 18, 2011

rainy day cupcakes...

Yesterday, while walking home from preschool with Noah, he asked me if we could make cupcakes...I love that he is getting old enough to understand what it takes to make something, and then enjoy eating the final product :-) Last week we made banana bread, he told me "mom, I like the things you cook for me" that made my heart the way, I don't know where "mom" came from, I think I prefer "mommy".

Whenever we cook pasta, he always asks to try one to see if its done, and he prefers his chicken on a stick (bamboo skewer), he likes bow pasta (with laughing cow cheese melted in), and rice with butter (I do too, lots of butter!). I am trying to learn tricks to get him to eat what we are eating, I tell him I am not a restaurant, he eats what we eat, or he eats nothing at all....mean?? I think I remember my mom telling me that? Another thing I am trying to teach him, is to ask to be excused from the table. I vividly remember having to ask my dad, or my mom, if we could be excused and couldn't leave the table without their permission..and I want him to learn to take his dishes to the sink when he is done :-).

There must have been a full moon or something, because he continues to ask for apple slices and grapes....he likes Spartan apples, like the ones from the Pumpkin Patch, hey, whatever works!! I make sure he knows they are Spartan apples....from the Pumpkin Patch, every time I bring apples home...."mom, I want the skin off, and no apple seeds!".........again with the "mom" thing....

I watch adoringly as he fills the cupcake papers, being oh so careful not to drip any batter along the way...he scoops, and waits.....then slowly fills it up...I only allow him to fill three, if I let him do all twelve we would be there for hours!!

He asked me who was coming over for a cupcake, I told him no one, I want him to also learn that sometimes you can just make treats for yourself!! Especially on a rainy day :-)


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