Last night was girls night, for a friends birthday, we all went out to grab a drink..does the sound of ordering a "Wu-tangtini" sound as ridiculous to you, as it does to me!? Thank goodness they are yummy! Its a lychee martini, I love lychee, when we went to Indonesia when I was small, I can't tell you how many fresh lychee I ate!
My ride pulled up, and I said good bye to my brother in law like I was saying "see you later, I won't be late" to my dad...I opened the car door, to a full fleet of girls...yup, this felt just like high school (a good part of high school!). No car seats, no kids, no diaper bags......just us girls, looking all prettied up!
It was nice to eat my dinner hot, talk about clothes, and furniture, and our relationships....laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more. Geez, laughter is the best medicine! A cold martini slips down your throat way too easy....I think I had 3! It was nice to all share common stories, about our kids, illnesses, triumphs...stories of attitude and preschool...we all were moms...all 6 of us! Sure the conversations have changed a bit from high school, but it was so nice to still be able to have a drink with some girlfriends....sweet girlfriends, that even though we don't see each other all the time, can still come right back to where we left off....
Heres to girlfriends, cheers, have a WU-TANGTINI!! :-)
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