Its not a secret that I did a boudoir photo shoot a couple weeks ago...I am not embarrassed to say it out loud. I did it for Fredo for Valentines Day, but I must say, I think it was a better present for myself! I can't tell you how many times I have looked at the photos since I got them last Friday...situated in a nice little book, I browse through them, sometimes catching myself thinking, "who is this hottie?". The wonders that good hair and make-up do to ones self, and especially when its caught on camera, WOWZA!
Anita Alberto of AG Photography was my lovely photographer, and did a fantastic job catching some great shots. The tunes were thumping in her studio, and although I have never done a photo shoot like this before (or have rocked lingerie and high heels), I quickly felt comfortable with her reassurance and guidance through the whole hour! Just like that, my insecurities of my soft folded tummy were forgotten...
My cousin Melissa from Polished did my hair, and Jenn Etherington at M.A.C Cosmetics in Metrotown did my kick ass makeup! Im not going to lie, I felt, and looked amazing! It was a great opportunity to lift my self esteem....an amazing experience to see yourself in a different light...
There is something about doing this kind of shoot after having children...it makes me proud to look at my body and know that it has worked hard to house two human beings, it shows that even the most ordinary are beautiful. We aren't all swimsuit models, and we aren't all fit for the Victoria Secret runway, I think its these pictures that tell real stories, and real beauty..
These pictures I will cherish for a lifetime. I would love for you all to have the same experience I did...book your boudoir session today, you will thank me!!!
You are far from ordinary my beautiful sis!!!! xoxoxo