Monday, October 10, 2011

How is life?

Today, while waiting in line at a store, the clerk asked the woman in front of me "How is life?" her response was, "It's there." they must of known each other to ask such a question, to that the clerk responded, "I know what you mean.". There are so many people that seem so dissatisfied with their lives, I fall into this category sometimes, I must admit. There are days I wish I made more money, days I wish I was thinner, days I wish I owned more property or had a big diamond like Kim Kardashian...but in the end those are all material things. When I stand back and really look at what I have, I should be grateful beyond words! I have an amazing family, a wonderful husband, two amazing children, a roof over my head, a great job, and food, always on my table. I have warmth, I have clothing, I have shoes to walk in.....I can't speak for everyone, because I don't know the roads and paths they have had to take along the way, but I can say I truly am grateful, and I should be extremely satisfied with what I have, and want to say, when someone asks me, "How is life?" I will respond, "Life is wonderful! I am healthy, and wealthy beyond measure with love and support, life is great!".

Today, let us be grateful for the simple things, and let all the extras follow. Take a deep breath when the kids scream, don't panic if the table setting doesn't look as you imagined. Who cares if there is dust on the base boards, and big deal if the gravy doesn't turn out...HAPPY THANKSGIVING, be grateful for life, be grateful for breath, be grateful for every little thing, that possibly, others don't have.

How is life??


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