Wednesday, November 23, 2011

so simple, so useful, so chic!

Please don't burst my bubble if you have seen these before! Even if you have, I have not, and I thought it was the BEST idea! I was so excited to see it on Pinterest, and if it hadn't been so late at night I would have headed out then and there to get the supplies!! I am so looking forward to using these at my next event!!

I have never been a fan of wine charms, so I thought this was a modern swing on wine glass labelling...check it out!

So incredibly easy to do!! I had a can of chalkboard paint already (got it at HomeDepot), so I just got some wine glasses from the dollar store, and dipped them! I laid down some newspaper, then put my cookie cooling rack on top of the paper, after I dipped them, I place them on the rack...I let the first coat dry, then dipped them again...this is what takes a while....I put them back on the rack and left them overnight. The next morning, I flipped them all over, and with a sponge brush, smoothed out the bottoms with a bit more paint...and let them dry.

Mine came out a bit bumpy, but they are still easy to write on! I am curious to see how they wash up?? I know I wipe my chalkboard frame with a wet cloth, but because this is stemware, that you will drink out of, they need to be washed....I will let you know how that goes! I may give them a few more days to completely dry before I try them out!

What a cute gift! A set of wine glasses with a pack of chalk!

Now wasn't that an awesome craft to wait for!!! Now go try it out! They will be a hit over the holidays!!



  1. that is such a great aren't you glad you joined pinterest :)

  2. So cute. I really like this idea..but then again I love anything that involves chalkboard paint ;) Have you ever seen the paint that is also magnetic?? Super cool idea. And on that same note, I saw a little blip on that 'Nate Berkus' (sp?) design show that featured mirror paint. They just applied it to the glass from vintage frames and it was vary stunning and beautiful.
    Anyways, thanks for sharing this easy, crafty idea!
