Friday, August 10, 2012


When my girlfriend told me she had been approached to 'pillow fight' I laughed, and thought, there is no way she is going to do this! She is crazy! What is she thinking? What is 'pillow fighting' exactly? You have got to be kidding me!? My next move was to google this so called 'pillow fighting' and what I came across, what a pretty big deal! She was about to become a fighter for the East Vancouver Pillow Fight Club her persona, Miss Treats.

There was no way I was going to miss this event! I was going to there to support a friend, cheer her on, have a beer, and enjoy a new adventure....being at the Astoria on East Hastings, we didn't know what to expect...before no time the venue was packed, and ready to rock.

Her entrance was sweet, skipping along to "I Want Candy" by Bow Wow Wow, tossing candy, and holding a large hot pink and black HOMEMADE lollipop adorned with a skull....I was so happy, nervous and excited for her...I knew her, she was my friend, man, she is a beautiful friend!

This post was going to be about EVPFC...but after my last paragraph, I got all weepy and sappy about the women in my life, the friends I have made, the relationships I have made stronger, and the ones that have slowly been slipping away..there are a few ladies I met during Noah's years of preschool, they are very dear to me, having common interests, strengths and weaknesses, we have seemed to make a great little group. Always there to bring you up when you're down, to say the right thing when needed, to watch your kids when you have something you would prefer to do childless, providing lunch, and love, just as their kids were our own....

I was told the other day to surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself...when I get together with these gals, I never feel judged, criticized, self conscious or uncomfortable, I know we are together to have a nice time, great conversation, some drinks, to share joy, share sorrow, share new things about one another, secrets and fears....we appreciate each other for being unique. I guess to sum it up, it seems easy, when sometimes, a group of women can be anything but that....

ANYHOO, yes, EVPFC, check them out!!


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