Saturday, April 2, 2011

Zutano score at Liquidation World!!

I received some gifts with a tag that read 'LW your outlet store'. With some investigating, I found out they were from Liquidation World. Again, while running errands, we happened to be in the area of the Liquidation World in Coquitlam off of United Boulevard. Fredo stayed in the car with the kids, and I made a quick dash up and down the aisles....I came to the infant clothing section...........this is when things went into lightning speed....I knew I had told Fredo I would be just a few minutes, as we needed to be somewhere...I started to grab, and grab and grab.....I had come across racks of Zutano infant clothing...Zutano has the cutest patterns in the most brightest fun colours, and the cotton is oh so soft!! The price tag read, $2.50!!! I filled my arms, and decided I would come back the next day to cover what I had not seen during this whirlwind of minutes! This was a time to get things for any baby I knew, or babies that haven't even been born yet! Who can go wrong for $2.50! To my surprise, when the items were put through the till, they were an additional 30% off, now I really felt like I had won the jackpot! These items retail for around $20 a piece! $2.50-30%=$1.75!!!!! I even got a dress that was $1.05, come on!

I can't say you will find any if you go...I think I purchased everything!! HA. But check Liquidation World out online for a store nearest you! and check out Zutano, they have great things! not for $1.75 though :-)



  1. WHAT......I'm going to the one in Chilliwack tomorrow:) They have the cutest preemie stuff xo
