Sunday, January 8, 2012

kristen's telling details...

I just bought the February issue of Chatelaine, I am certain there will be more blog posts coming from this magazine, but let me start here.....I was intrigued by these questions and answers...from an interview with Natalie Frenkel, a photographer from Toronto. I thought I would post my answers, ask yourself these same questions, pretend someone is interviewing you...

my proudest moment is...
moments..the births of my children

I define downtime as...
surfing the net with a glass of wine

I wish I was better at...
public speaking

My favorite moment of the day is...
when my kids say good morning to each other

The biggest mistake I ever made was...
being so shy, and letting it hold me back from doing things

I'm currently reading...
February issue of Chatelaine magazine :-)

My guiltiest pleasure is...
eating a whole bag of sea salt and malt vinegar chips and a chocolate bar


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