Wednesday, February 16, 2011

crumbs on the floor.....

I have crumbs on my floor.....dishes in the in the living room and laundry overflowing in my bedroom....maybe somewhere in this mess I can find the motivation to clean it all up!? I think I need some sunshine to kick me in the ass..give me the umph to make things neat and tidy.

Today, I tried to sleep in...I rolled out of bed after Noah came to my bedside and asked for breakfast...I told him to keep Anabelle busy for a minute, he made her cry...I could tell this was going to be a long day...after a night of Alfredo and I both taking a turn hugging white porcelain, all I wanted was to flashback to no kids, just for a few hours, I just wanted some more rest!! I couldn't bare the smell of eggs and toast, like Noah asked to have for breakfast, we all had toast with butter, that I think I could stomach....a fight about not wanting to go to swimming lessons because his buddy wasn't going to be there was next on the menu, 10am was approaching, Anabelle would be taking a nap soon..yes!!!!!! I left the mess from breakfast, plunked her in her crib, and crawled into my still rustled up bed...the fan was still on..this was one morning I thanked Fredo for leaving it on, as normally I get annoyed when he leaves it running (this meant I didn't have to get out of bed to turn it on). My bed still isn't made, as I write this...this usually isn't the way it goes.....I didn't even shut my bedroom door...I am allowed to have a messy house, once in a while....and today, I really don't care who sees it!

The forecast calls for more rain and possibly snow...doesn't look like I am having Martha Stewart over anytime soon......thank goodness, because she probably wouldn't be happy with the chicken tenders I am putting in the oven for dinner either!


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