Friday, March 18, 2011

Library Tote Bag...

This is totally going to blow part of my nephews 1st birthday present, but I wanted to share, I was quite proud of my freehand owl, drawn with pesky fabric paint! I made one of these totes for Noah to bring to the library as his "book bag" my sister has always said she wanted one for is what his looks like!

I got a natural canvas bag from Michaels, with some fabric paint and fabric markers, slipped my cutting board inside for a hard smooth surface to work with (a book would do the trick) and got to it!

-Fabric Bag $3.99 (they have some others that are $6.99 but I didn't like the material)
-Fabric Paints $9.99 for a set of 6 (use your 40% off coupon!)
-Fabric Felts (can't remember how much these were, but you can use your coupon for these too! I sometimes print off two, and then just come back in and make another purchase if the item is a higher price)

Sorry Megan to ruin the surprise, but I wanted to Blog about this fun project, Noah still uses his to this day!



  1. Ronan is sooooo lucky. I LOVE this bag....and was so jelous of Noah before I read the post! LOL. It also brought tears to my eyes to see you write "my nephew". I finally have made my baby sister an amazing one at that, and just another reality check how grown up we are. Thank you Auntie. This bag will be used and treasured. xoxoxoxo M

  2. Tooooooooo cute! Another thing you could sell at your future store;) I'd buy some. Cute gift idea!
