Thursday, March 10, 2011

surprise! from Australia!

With a loud bang on the door, the Canada Postman was here to deliver something for me.....when I opened the door, he stood with a big box for me! A great surprise on a dark gloomy pouring rainy day! Right when I saw Australia, I knew it was from my dear friend Fiona (I told Noah it was from Toot and Puddle)! I met Fiona years ago.....before Noah was born, she had come to Vancouver on her Visa and was hired to work with us at The Cross during her stay. She is lovely, a true gem, with a great sense of humor, and amazing talents. She started up this business doing these adorable canvases while I was pregnant with Anabelle....I knew I wanted some for her nursery!

Along with her package was a letter, a handwritten three page note to me, seeing her handwriting made me hear her voice even louder as I read.....I would love to visit with her soon...

Thank you so much Fiona! This made my day, I can't wait to arrange them in Anabelle's room!! Hope to see you soon!!




  1. Hey, Does Fiona have a website for her canvases? My friend in Sydney is celebrating her daughter's 1st birthday next month. They would make a perfect gift! Yvonne

  2. Hi Yvonne! My website is about 1 month away from being up and running. I can let you know when it's ready if you like? My email address is Do you live in Australia? I'd love to make something for your friend's daughter!
    P.S - Thanks again Kristen for the amazing post! x
