Sunday, November 28, 2010


So, I got in trouble from a friend about a recent post. He said I tore my husband a new a-hole. I didn't think so, I thought it was funny...I made a comment about my husband not being able to get it together to take me on a date, well, not to long ago, it happened, and this friend thought it should make the here we are!

The night started with our whole family going out for dinner. Yes, me, my husband, my almost 3 year old son, and my 7.5 month old daughter... we had a nice dinner, at Cactus Club at 5pm. The regulars hadn't clicked in with there heels and LV yet. It was a nice family time. It was a nice dinner. Noah ate all his supper, Anabelle ate all her supper and of course, Mommy ate all her supper plus some of Fredo's supper, and a bite of Noah's supper...

We made good time, as the movie we were going to started at 7:05pm. The waitress was very prompt, as one should be when you have kids, and we were paid and out of there by 6:15pm. All I had to do now was go home, nurse Anabelle, no wait, I did that at the restaurant to save time...put Anabelle is jammies, and put her to bed, leave Noah with Nonna, and zoom out to the movie.

It was nice to be in the car just Fredo and I, like old times, before little kiddies. What did we do before we had kids by the way? We made it to the movie in time, got a coffee, and went into the theatre.

He joked that we would sit in the back and make out...well, we didn't make out, but we did hold hands, something everyone should do more often. It feels so good, to have your fingers intertwined with someone you love, madly.

The movie we watched was sad, "Life as we know it" I cried, of course, maybe Fredo did too, I didn't look. If you have seen it, you know why, no need to explain. I will tell you I was glad when Anabelle woke up when we got home, as I needed to give her a huge snuggle after watching that movie, and Noah, well he was awake, as usual, so he ran to me when we walked in the door, and that hug was magic. We were home, to our kids, my favorite place.

We had a nice night, we talked on the way home, that was really nice. I hope to do it again, sometime soon. So many of my friends post their status on Facebook as "Date night tonight" I think every couple should designate a night to be with their partner, whether you have kids or not, a night out for a walk, a movie, a dinner, a coffee... I think we all get too wrapped up in the hustle of life sometimes, and forget that it is so important for us to give those we love undivided attention (at least once a week!). We all want a little TLC......

Until the next date night :-)


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