Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello 30...

My husband left the 20's behind him yesterday, and partied his way into the big '3' '0' with friends and family! It was yet another joyous occasion at the Valente household! I think I have lost count of how many parties we have hosted over the years, who knew we would become such entertainers!

I met Fredo when he was 16, and I was 14, so last night, while celebrating 30 years, I realized that I have been with him for pretty much half of his life! Pretty crazy when you think about it. All of these memories came rushing back to me, as I stood there waiting to get my picture taken with my "teen boyfriend" turned husband, and father of our two amazing children...I remembered dates we went on, parties we went to, gifts that were received and letters that were exchanged. I remembered long hauls of long distance, and joyous returns. I remembered happy days, sad days, and days that I couldn't imagine getting through if we didn't have each other. I remember his hair styled under the brim of his baseball hat, long hair, short hair, and now some gray hair..this man is my life, and I was so honored to host a night to celebrate him and all of his accomplishments over the past 30 years!




  1. I remember those days, so long ago. His turtle neck sweaters with jogging pants....hat perched on top of his doo! I loved him for you then, I love him for you now....and am sooo glad you two met! For without the two of you, I wouldn't have my wonderful niece and nephew. Happy 30th Fredo and cheers to many more wonderful years. xoxoxoxoxo Megan

  2. That was beautiful Krissy! Happy Birthday to Fredo!! Melissa
