Saturday, November 13, 2010

Festive Nest

As I sit here posting this, I still wish I was in that barn, shopping at the most loveliest of Christmas Craft fairs I have ever been to. Festive Nest was so magical and beautiful. Everything from the quartet playing Christmas carols, to the serving of apple cider made my heart happy. I am so grateful that I stumbled across this sale while poking around on stylist Heather Cameron's blog a while back!

Little white Christmas tree adorned with crows and glitter!

It's one of those things that I can't really put into words. Everything was so pretty. I could have looked for days! It is on again tomorrow, and part of me wants to go back to see if there is anything that I missed! I had to ask the girl if they would be putting anything new out, she said no, but I will be spending the next day wondering.....

Wreath made from music note pages!

Visiting this barn today, was well worth the 45 minute drive! I am crossing my fingers that it will be around next year, as I would love to make this a tradition for myself to visit this pretty place again and again.....

A few things I fell in love with...


  1. what!!! I totally did my mantle with crows and white glittery ornaments. Damn! I thought I was so original! haha

  2. And I'm crossing my fingers that you will take me with you next year!

  3. Thank you so much for your lovely post on The Festive was so great to meet you and now you are my new blogging friend!
