Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hot Chocolate Mustache..

Yesterday I took Noah to the library...after that, I thought we would head to grab a hot chocolate before going home. We ordered, we sat down, I grabbed him a straw, we talked about preschool...I looked up from a sip of my cup, and there was my little boy, with a mustache, a hot chocolate mustache. Tears welled in my eyes, thinking about the years to come....I had a hard enough time with him starting preschool...which I might add he doesn't even cry when we leave anymore! I am not sure what I liked better, him not wanting us to leave or watching him walk away to the letter carpet all by himself with no help from me? He looked up at me with those green sparkly eyes, and gave me a smile, this little boy of mine is growing up, way too fast for my liking...."mommy, do you like your hot chocolate" he asked me, "does it make you happy?".....crap, just as I wrote that line "Harvest Moon" by Neil Young started to play, that song in itself makes me bawl....."Yes, it makes me happy" I replied, and smiled, he smiled back.

Mommy: "Noah, whats the best part of growing up?"

Noah: "Lets watch Treehouse and talk about it!"

Thank goodness that mustache was just a chocolate one, for now at least :-)

Enjoy everyday with your kiddies, the years are gone with a blink of your eye....



  1. What a beautiful anecdote Krissy, thanks for sharing. Brought a tear to my eye!

  2. thanks for making me sob like a baby!!!!!!!!

  3. The tears are falling as I sit starring at Alessia as she gobbles her milk. This won't last forever. Soon her and Anabelle will be out shopping without us:(
